Canadian law requires all Financial Institutions to determine if you, or a family member or close associate, are a politically exposed person ("PEP") or head of an international organization ("HIO").
Senior official in respect of a Domestic PEP means:
Governor General, lieutenant Governor or head of government; member of the Senate or House of Commons or member of a legislature; deputy minister or equivalent rank; ambassador, or attaché or counsellor of an ambassador; military officer with a rank of general or above; president of a corporation that is wholly owned directly by Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province; head of a government agency; judge of an appellate court in a province, the Federal Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court of Canada; leader or president of a political party represented in a legislature; or mayor (head of a city, town, village, or rural or metropolitan municipality, regardless of population size).
Family member means a senior official's:
child; parent; parent's child (sibling); spouse or common-law partner; and spouse's or common-law partner's parent.
Close associate means a person closely connected to a senior official or a HIO for personal (social) or business (professional) reasons. Examples: business partner; prominent member of the same political party or union; serves on the same board of directors; romantic partner; involved in financial transactions.